We have some PT 11's launched this Spring. These are the ones I have received pictures for.
Paul in Alaska faced a winter under more snow than I have ever seen... and spent his time, not in hibernation, but working on his PT11... and shoveling snow! As the world thawed.. he brought his little boat outside. >>" ...it was nice to get the boat out of the garage, there is only so much curing a 70 degree shop can do compared to full on sunshine. ..... I am amazed at the level of detail you guys put into packing your kits. .... It made me smile! Thanks!"<<
A PT 11 was launched in BC recently... Christened 'Sea-Saw'..
>>"The PT11 is living up to all our expectations (and exceeding them in many ways). ..."<< Congrats to David and Pam, ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL JOB! What a joy to see PT11s looking so great! Check out this photo album of building Sea-Saw.