Monday August 24th, A good friend, Ted Pike, passed away. I never knew a lot about Ted and his personal life. I did know and appreciated the energy and joy he created where ever he went and I want to honor him in my own small way with this post.  He was a larger than life kind of guy, gregarious and smart. He was a great supporter of the work that Russell and I have been doing. He advised us, cheered us on, and kept us believing that maybe we really are on to something good. He was always ready with a hug, a joke, a story.. and he always took time to ask important questions both about us, as people, and about business and our ideas. I deeply appreciated Ted and I know I am but one of so many people who did.
Ted Pike checks out an early prototype of the PT 11 nesting dinghy. His feedback was a big part of our business development. Photo: Ashlyn Ecelberger Brown

Kiwi Ferris of Edensaw Woods appropriately said in a recent message, "The Edensaw Family, Wooden Boat community, and Maritime world mourn the loss of our dear friend Ted Pike. The ancient mariner, dear friend, teacher, mentor, dear father and husband, the best hugger in the world."

I found some photos I took at the Classic Mariners Regatta one year, from the cockpit of s/v Vito Dumas. Ted, on Annie Too, was always in the fleet and often Master of Ceremonies afterwards.,
Ted Pike on Annie Too at the starting line , (far right) Classic Mariner's Regatta in Port Townsend. Photo: Ashlyn Ecelberger Brown
Ted Pike on Annie Too (left) at the Classic Mariner's Regatta. Photo: Ashlyn Ecelberger Brown
Ted Pike on Annie Too (left) about to round the committee boat.. Photo:Ashlyn Ecelberger Brown

With only one day notice, a large crowd accompanied Ted's sailboat, Annie Too, (link to a slide show) as it was carried in the travel lift to the water. In a way, it was a chance for the many people who loved Ted, to be together and support one another through the shock and sadness of his sudden passing. What brought us all together was our mutual love and appreciation for Ted's presence in all our lives.  As my sister says, "Ted was a Boddhisattva and wherever he went, he spread love and compassion."

If you feel like listening to Ted Pike talk on Proboat radio from 2 years ago, follow the link here. The intro is lengthy but I liked hearing his voice again...

In Honor of Ted here is a fun little film of a human will put a smile on your face..
