FYNE BOAT KITS in the UK has been producing Chesapeake Light Craft kits for over a decade. They have wanted to produce the PT 11 for equally as long but we had not figured out how to make that work.

With the collaboration of Chesapeake Light Craft, and a stipulation that almost all parts be produced on the Eastern side of the Atlantic to avoid hefty shipping costs and import duties, progress towards this goal has been made. Fyne Boat Kits has spent valuable time and energy over the last 2 years to source and procure what they need to make an authentic PT 11 kit.

It sounds like they have reached the point where they can start production of the PT 11 Nesting Dinghy kit by the end of 2024. This is a huge accomplishment and we tip our hats to owner, Phil Smith, whose dedication and persistence are truly admirable.

Click this image to reach FYNE BOAT KITS PT 11 page.
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