Seventy48 2019 -the Start
the first hour




"I'm a tracker junkie and I'm okaaaay...." singing as I stay tuned to the Seventy 48 tracker. At 6:30am, Team Valhalla in the PT11 nesting dingy is still going 3.2- 3.5 knots after nearly 12 hours non-stop!  She has kept up with the some of the paddle boarders, including Skelty, our friend Tim Nolan who appears to be pushing through non-stop as well! If you know Tim you are duly impressed.
Loading the boat up in front of the Swan Hotel and Schooner Martha Foundation at Point Hudson
As of 7:15 AM June 1st, 2019

We will be cheering Inger on as she comes in down at the city dock in Port Townsend!
An eery scene as this ship emerges from the fog just off Point Hudson.