Links to Instructional and Informative pdf pages.

( mostly arranged alphabetically. Also listed are a few blog posts or you can search the blog with keywords or categories)

BALER for the PT 11 & Spear (pdf)

Bumper installation (PT 11 & Spear)color .pdf

Carbon eyestrap installation (pdf)

Cheap Oars - one way to make them better. (PDF) by a PT 11 customer

Delrin TURNDOG installation (pdf)

DETAILS from the end of the manual updated 2019

DIY DOLLY (PDF) by B. Crutchfield

DIY garage ceiling dinghy rack (PDF) by B. Crutchfield

DIY sailing Rig notes (pdf) (Booms)

Electric Motor: Mounting the EP CARRY on the PT 11 & Spear(pdf)

EP carry website

EP Carry sampling at the Port Townsend Boat Festival

Epoxy Basics e-book. “working with epoxy cleanly & efficiently”

EPOXY Video short: Epoxy gloss coat & tipping

EPOXY and finish coatings (WEST SYSTEM article)

EPOXY: Metering and Mixing TASK SHEET (pdf) by Russell Brown and published by Proboat Magazine. Shared with Proboat permission.

EPOXY Lessons series preview on Off Center Harbor (membership recommended to view in full. Builders of the PT 11 or Spear: Contact us for exclusive access)

EYE Strap installation instructions (pdf)

Fillet Stick & Chisel stick instructions (pdf)

Flotation and the PT 11 and the PT Spear

Flotation and the PT Skiff (blog)

Foils and sailing rig packing notes .pdf (pre-CLC)

GASKET installation / replacement (pdf)

GUNWALE FIX printable PDF for the PT 11 Nesting Dinghy

HANDLE for the aft section of the nesting dinghy (pdf)

Installing the PT11 back seat cleats after the aft buoyancy tanks are assembled.

LEATHER PADS patterns (use 8.5x11 paper to print)

Leathers installation (PT11)

MAINTENANCE of the PT 11 various notes and instructions. (blog post)

Non Skid Ideas, photos and links

Oars: customer improves upon cheap oars (pdf)

PT11 Back seat attachment point and 4th leather pad

PT 11 brief build overview photos (pdf) RB

PT 11 builders manual introduction (pdf) by Russell Brown (pre-CLC)

PT SPEAR builders manual introduction (pdf) by Russell Brown (pre-CLC)

Rubber Bumper Installation Instructions (color PDF)

Simpler puzzle joint gluing method pdf.

String loops and tether gluing instructions (pdf)

Varnish (UV protection) over Epoxy  (WEST SYSTEM article)

WEST SYSTEM Safety information and resources

Alternative information from PTW

Beginning Tortured Plywood pdf by Russell Brown

Notes on Epoxy & "toxic waste" (pdf) by Ashlyn Brown


PRE 2019 kits: PT11 2019 preliminary updates (pdf)


PT Skiff Cleat Schedule (printable pdf)

PT Skiff tools list

SCAMP Hatch instructions