Russell Brown
This is how Russell’s work has been described. He has spent his life creating uncommon boats from cruising proas to nesting kayaks & dinghies and fuel efficient motor boats. His skill as a boat builder and epoxy specialist is highly respected and sought after by those who know him and his work. His boats have been either for personal use or for his closest friends, keeping a low profile in the boat design world. He has, however, often taught people to work safely and effectively with epoxy. Nesting boats have always been a personal passion and because of the serious interest in his dinghies expressed by many who have seen them over the years, the idea to start a kit business seemed like a good one. Russell is a stickler for detail and functionality and has put together a very high quality product with each kit and extensive instructional builder’s manuals. Since the success of EPOXY BASICS, he continues to collect material (photos of side projects) to include in more epoxy related instructional books.
•Professional Boatbuilder #130 April/May 2011 pg 52
There are several articles with Russell Brown (see links above) but of late, they have been relevant to PT Watercraft.
“Outside the box”...D.S.
Ashlyn Brown
Ashlyn Brown studied art and ended up on boats. She cruised on a large sailboat in the Atlantic, Med and Pacific logging over 80,000 miles at sea over a 20 year span. During that time, she hosted charters, assistant managed yacht refits and ran a small yacht brokerage. She established Port Townsend Watercraft, together with Russell, in 2009, when the development of the PT Skiff began and currently manages the business, graphic design and web presence. Currently a board member of the Port Townsend Marine Trades Association.
•Small Craft Advisor August 2011
“Places” feature, ‘Canada’s Sunshine Coast’ pgs 10-13
WEBSITES created:
As editor and publisher: